Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Saundaryalahari 6

धनुः पौष्पं मौर्वी मधुकरमयी पञ्च विशिखाः
वसन्तः सामन्तो मलयमरुदायोधनरथः ।
तथाप्येकः सर्वं हिमगिरिसुते कामपि कृपाम्
अपाङ्गात्ते लब्ध्वा जगदिदमनङ्गो विजयते ॥

dhanuḥ pauṣpaṃ ; maurvī madhu-kara-mayī ; pancha viśikāḥ ;
vasantaḥ sāmanto ; malaya-marud-āyodhana-rathaḥ ;
tathā 'py ekaḥ sarvam hima-giri-sute ! kāmapi kripām
apāngāt te labdhvā jagad idam anango vijayate.

Ein Bogen aus Blumen, die Sehne aus Bienen, nur fünf Pfeile,
den Frühling als Vasall, den Malaya-Wind als Kampfwagen:
Selbst so und alleine -- O Tochter der Schneeberge! -- besiegt der Liebesgott die ganze Welt,
da er irgendeine Gnade aus deinen Augenwinkeln erlangt hat.

Oh, daughter of the mountain of ice,
With a bow made of flowers,
Bow string made of honey bees,
Five arrows made of only tender flowers,
With spring as his minister,
And riding on the chariot of breeze from Malaya mountains
The God of Love who does not have a body,
Gets the sideways glance of your holy eyes,
And is able to win all the world alone6 (tr. P.R. Ramachander).
maurvī = Bogensehne. vāsanta = Vasall.

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